From BizLaunch: Nuvosource International

EntrepreneurHighlightPROFILE:  Raul Ortega, Entrepreneur by Pamela Gunthorpe, Entrepreneur Staffing Specialist


Raul Ortega will tell you that he is a very lucky individual.  He has had a great career in Technical Sales after making a key decision during the last semester of his BS Electrical Engineering university life.  Having served his country right out of high school with 4 years in the Navy including two tours in Viet Nam, he decided that the engineer’s life was not for him.  He was looking for more people interaction and when he found the technical sales route with Westinghouse Electric, he just never looked back.  He has spent the last 35 or so years working for several high tech manufacturers pushing the envelope in changing the electric utility landscape.  Raul is just one continent short of visiting every continent in the world, Antarctica, and has installed high tech projects in electric utility automation and control, SMART GRID, in many parts of the world.
Raul founded a company in 2010 to initiate an export business, selling electrical products to his many partners in Latin America and the Caribbean.  This company, Nuvosource International, was slated to represent a dynamic Southern California electrical distributor chain in these regions.  Unfortunately, as the contracts were being written, the distributor company was sold to a French conglomerate and the representation agreement was cancelled.  Raul was still employed at that time and maintained Nuvosource as an active company for the next four years while waiting for another opportunity.
After leaving an international assignment as Executive Sales Director for a VP position in a Canadian start-up in 2012, Raul discovered that the technology he was responsible for was, unfortunately, not being adopted by the electric utility companies.  This caused the startup company to drastically reduce its staff and Raul agreed with the company CEO that cash burn needed to be reduced.
Shortly after his layoff in January of this year, Raul found himself at the Rockledge career center of CareerSource Brevard.  He was so impressed with the staff and support offerings of the center that he became a regular visitor.  He immediately made an appointment with a staffing specialist and began to avail himself of as many of the programs as he possible could access.  He attended his first BizLaunch session and was so impressed that he now attends every week to meet with, share and listen to fellow attendees’ expertise and situations.  Raul was recommended for the “5 Steps to Rapid Employment Supercharged” and recently graduated from that program.  He is now participating in Startup Quest and is looking forward to that high-tech, entrepreneurial 10-week course.
During the 5 Steps program Raul heard Jay Block state something that was life changing for him.  Having had much experience in motivational and goal-setting techniques, Raul explains that when he heard Jay Block ask the class to set and commit to two goals that will DRASTICALLY change your life and to work on them for the next twelve months, he realized what he had to do.  Knowing that finding another well compensated executive sales job would certainly continue his comfortable lifestyle, only restarting Nuvosource International would DRASTICALLY change his life.
Raul explains that once making that decision, only about a month ago, he has now landed two major international representations, has launched his Nuvosource website, rounded out his working office and will be in a sales mode by April 1, 2014.  He credits the motivation, incentive and ideas generated from CareerSouce Brevard workshops, BizLaunch associates and center advisors, for getting him on the fast track to entrepreneurial success!