Exploring Hidden Talent Pools
Identifying Talent and Cultivating Success for Our Community
As we work through sector strategies to make smart long-term transitions to the future, what about now? Where do we look to find the possibly ‘hidden talent’ already in our marketplace? Where are those people who, with a little encouragement and a bit of skills retooling, would return to work, step up to new work and perhaps fill key positions in your business?
YOUNG ADULTS unsure of their next move are great candidates for rapidly growing areas of the economy, such as today’s manufacturing which provides pride of work, good pay, and upward mobility. Internships, apprenticeship programs, and other work experience options may be available. Contact us to learn more about hiring a summer intern.
OLDER WORKERS, experienced men, and women who interrupted careers for family and other priorities are returning to the workforce and the timing is right. These workers exhibit many of the employment skills that employers have identified as critical. They’re living healthier, longer lives and upgrading their skills for today’s in-demand jobs and seek sustainable employment. Now is the time to inquire. Learn more about the BACK TO WORK 50+ Program, and check out this employment toolkit for hiring and retaining older workers.
MILITARY VETERANS, those who have served us so well and have incredible talents to offer, are a great resource. Veterans perform in situations of high stress and high expectations, understand teamwork, process protocols, and are deadline focused. Read this: 10 Great Reasons to Hire a Vet.
MILITARY FAMILIES, the spouses and work-age children of active military, are a high-value resource for our companies. Many have moved from place to place and have a diversity of job skills and cultural experiences that help them fit into new roles and within an accelerated learning curve. Explore the attributes that make this group potentially extremely valuable to your business.
JUSTICE INVOLVED INDIVIDUALS, those whose careers are in transition due to some degree of justice involvement.
THE UNDEREMPLOYED, who may be feeling they have not yet hit their career stride, are looking to evaluate their skills and move on to a job that provides greater satisfaction. Perhaps all it takes is enhanced computer skills or specific training to get them there.
DISABLED individuals, with proven skills, education, or training, can make a positive difference, and are ready to work. Experts can help with accommodations if required and are ready to assist with transitions. Learn about becoming a Unique Abilities Partner here.