Industry Leaders Convene at Aerospace Summit
Aerospace Workforce Development Strategy Summit
On January 30, at the Canaveral Port Authority in Cape Canaveral, CareerSource Brevard, Space Florida, FloridaMakes, and the EDC of Florida’s Space Coast convened a workshop, bringing workforce, industry, education, and community leaders together to identify workforce challenges for the Aerospace industry in Brevard County, and work together to design solutions.
This workshop was the third event in an ongoing collective effort to identify and achieve critical Brevard County aerospace industry workforce needs.
Priorities include: defining career pathways, developing funding and training programs, and driving talent to the industry via a strategic communications plan.
Thank you to Premier Sponsor: New Horizons
Want to get involved? Contact Judy Blanchard, Vice President of Industry Relations, CareerSource Brevard at [email protected], 321-394-0567. Learn more about how CareerSource Brevard can help your business.