TTW FAQ’s & Terminology

What is a Trial Work Period?

Define an Unsuccessful Work Attempt SSDI

What is PASS (Plan to Achieve Self-Support)?

After a Trial Work Period, what if my Earnings Drop below the SGA (Substantial Gainful Activity) Level?

Can SSI or SSDI payments continue if I am Under a Vocational Rehabilitation Program (also known as Section 301 Payments)?

What are Blind Work Expenses?

How is Property Essential to Self-Support (PESS) defined?

Special SSI Payments for People Who Work

Continued Medicaid Eligibility (Section 1619 (b))

Subsidies and Special Conditions SSDI

Reinstating Eligibility without a New Application SSI

Blind Work Expenses

Trial Work Period

Unincurred Business Expense SSDI

Unsuccessful Work Attempt SSDI

Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

Extended Period of Eligibility

Continued Payment Under a Vocational Rehabilitation Program (also known as Section 301 Payments)

Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE)

Special Benefits for People Eligible Under Section 1619 (a) or (b) who enter a Medical Treatment Facility

Property Essential to Self-Support (PESS)

Special SSI Payments for People Who Work

Continued Medicaid Eligibility (Section 1619 (b))

Subsidies and Special Conditions SSDI

Following are examples of subsidies and special conditions:

Reinstating Eligibility without a New Application SSI